Module scnvim.sclang

Sclang wrapper.


on_init Action that runs before sclang is started.
on_exit Action that runs on sclang exit The default is to destory the post window.
on_output Action that runs on sclang output.


generate_assets (on_done) Generate assets.
hard_stop () Send a "hard stop" to the interpreter.
is_running () Check if the process is running.
send (data, silent) Send code to the interpreter.
eval (expr, cb) Evaluate a SuperCollider expression and return the result to lua.
start () Start the sclang process.
stop (_, callback) Stop the sclang process.
recompile () Recompile the class library.


Action that runs before sclang is started. The default is to open the post window.
Action that runs on sclang exit The default is to destory the post window.
  • code The exit code
  • signal Terminating signal
Action that runs on sclang output. The default is to print a line to the post window.
  • line A complete line of sclang output.


generate_assets (on_done)
Generate assets. tags syntax etc.


  • on_done Optional callback that runs when all assets have been created.
hard_stop ()
Send a "hard stop" to the interpreter.
is_running ()
Check if the process is running.


    True if running otherwise false.
send (data, silent)
Send code to the interpreter.


  • data The code to send.
  • silent If true will not echo output to the post window.
eval (expr, cb)
Evaluate a SuperCollider expression and return the result to lua.


  • expr The expression to evaluate.
  • cb The callback with a single argument that contains the result.
start ()
Start the sclang process.
stop (_, callback)
Stop the sclang process.


  • _
  • callback
recompile ()
Recompile the class library.
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2025-01-29 07:35:05